Awaken Your Spirit
Master Your Monkey Mind In 8 Minutes Or Less.
Awaken Your Spirit is a proven manual that transforms your mindset and emotions faster than you think. Follow the framework in this book to reduce stress, eliminate intrusive thoughts, empty your mind, create inner peace and awaken the bliss buried within you. Take the steps now, and order your copy today and get three exclusive bonus gifts!
Master Your Monkey Mind
Using Brett's extraordinary story of personal transformation and the proven results that Awaken Your Spirit is creating in people's lives around the world (you'll read about them in the book), Brett will show you how to master your monkey mind and ignite the energy and power burning deep within you so that becoming your best self and reaching your full potential is a breeze!
Awaken Your Spirit is a simple yet life-changing framework that transforms thoughts, releases unwanted memories, and helps you live beyond thinking. Be prepared to laugh, cry, and transform your entire reality as you reinvent a new character and head towards your dreams. Order today and get three exclusive bonus gifts!
Order Awaken Your Spirit Now And You’ll Get 3 Free Gifts!

Online Course
The Awaken Your Spirit online training is jam-packed with life-changing tools, techniques and motivation to help you apply everything you learn in the book! Watch this training to master your monkey mind, deepen your experience, and ignite the goosebumps.
(worth £97)

Bodhi Journal
Track your transformation with the beautiful Bodhi Journal. Stay focused, accountable, and reflect on the wins you make along the way with the inspiring, thought provoking journal. Yours free!
(bonus gift worth £16)

Get a free trail to the live weekly workshops and daily meditations. Join Brett each day and go deeper in your practice, create a bold visions, achieve your goals faster and create a better mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Get eight days free trail when you order the Bodhi book now!
Are You Ready To:
Stop Overthinking and empty your mind in 8 minutes or less?
Awaken Your Spirit and ignite more energy and excitement for life?
Experience Pure Bliss and tap into a greater sense of joy?
Discover the ego and discover your authentic self beyond thinking?
Live in abundance and feel worthy and create a successful life?
Unlock Your Full Potential and feel calm, confident, and carefree?
Ignite Your Power and ignite the magic buried within you?
Release Emotional Baggage and feel lighter and more grounded?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this book is perfect for you!
About Brett Moran
Brett Moran is the real deal when it comes to personal success and the process of transformation. He found out the hard way when he was banged up in prison. That's why the meditations in Awaken Your Spirit are unique and life-changing. Brett's not some wannabe guru who claims to have all the answers. He's just like you and has hit rock bottom plenty of times. Now, after twenty-three years of personal transformation, he's on a mission to help you break free from the prison of the mind so that you can create your best life and live in more joy.
As one of the most down-to-earth and positive thought leaders in personal development, it's hard to believe Brett's awakening started in prison when he was addicted to drugs. Brett's books are popular because of his infectious energy and passion for life, plus his easy-to-understand meditation and mindset techniques that anyone can apply to master the monkey mind in 8 minutes of less!
That's why the tools in Awaken Your Spirit have spread like wildfire and helped prison inmates, artists, entrepreneurs, celebrities, children, and grandmas understand their thoughts and feelings. If you love personal growth and want to go deeper so that you can master the inner game of life, this book is perfect for you!